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Sunday, June 28, 2009

Gay Pride

Mark and I walked to the bus stop this morning to ride the Colfax Avenue bus to the Gay Pride March. Colfax is the longest Avenue in the US and the bus is known to have the most interesting riders. Our bus was full of all kinds of people, the small elderly woman with a tee shirt made out of rice that said, "Live your life, everyone else's is already taken." The young guy standing next to me had a spiked dog collar and spiked wrist restraints. Two lipstick lesbians got on the very crowded bus and said, "Looks like we are all going to the same place!" Then the man who looked to be in his eighties got on with a rainbow shirt. I of course had my rainbow umbrella. They announced at the parade that 250,000 people were there.

The Parade starts every year with the Dykes on Bykes. They were as rough and loud as ever. I love the noise they make. They were followed by SQREAM, the Scooter Queers Riding Everywhere and More. This made me wish I was on my scooter. PFLAG, Church Groups, Bars, Clubs of all sorts, like the 4 wheel drive club, the rainbow cloggers, the Mile High Freedom Band and the Bear tones, four big bears who sing. The native american group, two spirits were here again. They were great. The Bunk house always has a truck and of course the politicians show up, which I appreciate.

Here was the finale. The longest boa on the planet. The last car of the parade had a drag queen with a pink boa that is 1.25 miles long! It was draped in five strands which allowed everyone to join in at the end of the parade with the boa draped over them. Mark and I were right in the middle of this. It was great walking down the hill of Colfax to Civic Center Park with long strands of boa flowing over people down below and following behind. Las Vegas Pride had a one mile boa last year, so this year Denver made history. They were selling sections of the boa as a fundraiser for The Center the GLBTI community center. Of course we had to have a section which I worn home on the bus.

We have had a lot of rain this summer in Denver and everything is green and the temperatures are cool. Our flowers and vegetables are great and we still sleep under a comforter at some point in the early morning.

Mark and I are training for the Triple bypass ride. Yesterday we rode from Georgetown where they were having a marathon, to Keystone over Loveland pass and back. This was a 56 mile trip where we climbed 6200 feet. It was great. Of course one's legs get tired after such a trip. We have been watching the DVDs of the remake of Battlestar Galactica. What a nice way to end a day of riding.

I love our little life in Denver. We are looking at long range vacation plans. We still want to get to Denmark while our friend Berengere is still the french ambassador to Denmark. She is living in a palace in Copenhagen. Our friends Anne and Gilles have moved into their custom built BIO home. They built an energy efficient home in the french alps. We want to visit. And of course we what to see Larry, Viny and Alberto in Tepozlan. I may wind up taking a trip alone to see them this year as Mark does not have as much vacation as I do.

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