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Saturday, July 16, 2011

New recipes, July 16, 2011

One of tonight's new recipes was Dwight Davidson, so this meal had a bit of a water theme. We had couscous and a salad from the garden.

We also celebrated Dwight's birthday! Chris and Pat brought a beautiful jello fish mold, and we made what we are now calling "Shatter Cake." To make this, make the Molten Chocolate Cakes with Cherries, add 1/2 tsp of cayenne to the cake batter for the 2 cake recipe, and then drop the just baked caked on the floor. Ugh! We were able to salvage some of the cake (it wasn't all touching the floor), and it was delicious!

Wine: Liana Pinot Grigio 2009--great with the halibut and fava beans, and pretty good with the jello fish as well!

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