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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

President Barach Hussein Obama Day One

What a great joy it was to watch President Barach sworn into office today. My staff and I all watched together as this historic event occurred. We all had tears and joy. I am more hopeful now than I have been in a long time. It was so good to watch ex-President Bush fly away. President Obama was deft in his criticism of the former President while focusing on the future of our county. We are blessed to have such a great orator and visionary leading us to our new future. We have great burdens to address as a nation. As a gay man I feel such a sense of hope that a man from humble beginnings can achieve such a great station in life in our country. I believe this puts our leadership back on the map of the world. For this I am thankful. The people I work with are simply the best and I feel such a great sense of wonderment that I get to work with such talented people. On a different note I rode my bike to and from work today. We had temperatures in the high 60s, which is so rare this time of year. I love the good things that happen around me each day.

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