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Thursday, January 22, 2009

President Barach Hussein Obama Day Three

Every quarter I take a group of MHCD employees out to breakfast at HotCakes. These are people who have been recognized by their peers and supervisors as going the extra mile. We call it the Way to Go program. Since the weather was still nice I rode my bike to the cafe and afterwards to my clinic. I generally do my clinic on Tuesday but for this week I changed it so I could see the inauguration of President Obama. The weather was great today. It is supposed to snow tomorrow which is fine since we need the moisture. Mark and I are rushing off to a play called Inana when he gets home. Costco is on his way home and he is very good about stopping to make sure our kitchen is well stocked. Hopefully it will snow a lot in the mountains this weekend as we are heading that way for some more skiing this weekend. Mark's Uncle Dick is a retired Priest and is skiing there this week. We hope to hook up with him for dinner on Saturday evening. Yesterday the temperature was 71 which melted a 59 year old record. We say the world premier of Inana tonight. It is about an Iraqi Museum Director's efforts to save the great art works of Iraq from pillage. It was simply great.

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